
egg bowl

When we planted our little herb garden back in June, I was concerned that it wouldn't get enough sun. Our balcony is shaded, and only gets about 3 hours of direct sunlight a day. The gardener at the market who we bought the plants from suggested 6 or more hours of sunlight, so I assumed that these little plants would pack it in pretty quick. Lo and behold, our plants are thriving, and the basil is the happiest basil plant that you ever did see.

I'm loving having access to all of these fresh herbs right off the kitchen, and I've been tossing handfuls of basil and mint into anything and everything.

One of my favorite weekend concoctions is the "egg bowl". The combination of soft-boiled eggs with fresh summer tomatoes and a bit of garden basil is so yummy. Toss in a bit of avocado, some good feta cheese and whatever else floats your boat and you've got a nice little brunch bowl.

Tasty, nutritious, quick and simple.

Summer food, I love you.

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