
Puces Pop Recap

Seeing as I didn't have a chance to write about it BEFORE it happened, I thought I would take the opportunity to write about it AFTER it happened - "that" being Puces Pop.

I was too busy to take any photos or even walk around all that much, but here are a couple links to some nice folks who took the time to write a few nice things (thanks!):

Mademoiselle Cranky Pants
English Muffin Blog

And some of my personal faves from the sale:
My adorable neighbour Julie of Pollen:

Squid Wool, who's felted mole actually made me squeal in the aisles:

And of course Marc, who can do no wrong. He makes the best belts ever.

I also came home with some amazing prints from Todd Stewart and Katie Dutton, (my other lovely neighbour).

I wish I could just spend the rest of the fall sleeping, but there's much to be done! I'll be listing a ton of new stuff in the shop over the next week, and working on a few new bits and bobs.

This was my second year as a vendor at Puces Pop, and wow, what a difference a year makes. It was an amazing sale, and thank you to everyone who braved the cramped aisles to stop by and say hi. Your appreciation and support mean the world to me, and I couldn't continue to do any of this without you.


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